Sunday, November 13, 2011

One Hundred, One Hundred

Yesterday was catch up day here at our house. I had mountains of laundry and cleaning to do. My husband is a huge help when cleaning day comes around. He vacuums, does dishes and cleans toilets, and that is on top of all the other normal stuff he does like taking the garbage out and folding towels...he is pretty darn amazing. Then, in the midst of the chaos of the day I remembered I had Kohl's cash and after I looked at it quick I realized that yesterday was the last day I could use it. A last minute evening run to the big city was squeezed into my day as well. I was pretty tired at the end of the night. But, I felt like I accomplished much thanks to my husband. I am very thankful for such a sweet and loving soul mate. I remember when we took marriage classes with Pastor. One of the questions he asked us was, "How much do you think each of you has to contribute to the marriage to make it work?" being the know it all 23 year olds we were we both answered 50-50. We were wrong. A marraige takes all you have all the time, Pastor explained. 100 percent 100 percent. Amen.

This November reminds me I am blessed with;

little surprises
family, each and every one
warm, fall nights to watch high school football games
trying new things
opportunities to be successful
my husband

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'll say it again:

There is nothing SEXIER than a man doing laundry/chores/housework!