Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Heart Hair and She Shoots She Scores!

Yesterday morning I cut my workout 15 minutes short (thank you Michelle) so I could come home and do heart hair.
Then; I got ready, sent two off to school with valentines, made my lunch, got one off to preschool with valentines, subbed, came home, ate candy, made supper, crammed everyone in the car, drove to Maleah's ballgame, spilled goldfish all over the bleachers, watched Maleah score 10 points, visited with friends, came home, got the kids ready for bed and REALIZED I DIDN'T TAKE A PICTURE OF HEART HAIR YET. So, forgive me for the worn in heart hair look. This is truly an all day style :)
 side pig tail hearts for Maleah
 back pony heart for Addi
one tiny toddler pig for Nora

and some of the game for Grandma and whoever else is interested...ignore my commentary, something comes over me when I watch her play and I pretend that I am the smartest coach in the world, foolish, I know, but it's that transformation thing I was talking about...   

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ha! Heart hair? Who knew???