Saturday, October 03, 2009

Putting me in my place

I found holy experience a while back, forgot about it and re-found it, thankfully, through my sister.

I hope to use it to start my day from now on, rather than facebook.

Hit the nail on the head, she did, with this post on priorities. So many days go by and I feel like a failure as a mom, a wife, a person because my house isn't perfect, the laundry isn't folded the papers aren't sorted.

If I could only remember that my faith comes first NOT last. I miss so much in life because of my frustration with the messes in life. The messes consume me. I want to be free of the messes. I want to have time to sit and read to my kids and not feel guilty that the dishes aren't done. I want to laugh at the kids when they play in the toilet instead of getting frustrated with them.

Process not product.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Cor. 4:18



bobbione8y said...

that's a beautiful website, ran....

carey said...

amen. exactly what i needed today. every day. thanks.

Karen said...

I have been there. Good stuff. :-)