Thursday, November 12, 2009

The last piece

Last night the adorable, and might I add handy, hubby put the LAST piece of the siding on the house. WAHOO!

I made a celebratory dinner of baked potato soup, artisan bread, corn, and caramel apples.

This morning project man reappeared, well rested and ready to recover my dining table chairs. (Okay, it may have taken a tiny bit of nagging.)



Now, if I only had a new kitchen to put them in, sigh.

I AM thankful for my new siding and my new chair coverings sans any labor costs:)


Karen said...

Yes! I think that man deserves a great deal of spoiling! He did such a nice job, Rani.

bobbione8y said...


home improvements rule ;)

carey said...

i am impressed by all of it, including the dinner you made. tell project man he is the goods. the only thing topping him is MY project man :)