Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I do my best thinking...

It's five minutes after three a.m. and at the moment and I am wide awake. I shouldn't be but I am.

The night before always gets me. I think I am obviously an anxious person and my brain has a hard time shutting off before and after big events.

This definitely qualifies.

The last time we left the kids for more than a few hours was when #2 was a little over 6 months old. I think I was up all night that night, too. This time we are gone for twice as long and a lot further away.

I checked the weather in Oakland. The high for today is 52 with a 60 percent chance of rain. Sioux Falls has a forecast of 66 degrees. It will be warmer in my backyard then in California today. Figures.

The weather in Kauai will be in the 80's with a chance of rain, too. That will be nice, if we ever get there. There's a lack of transportation from our hotel to the airport in San Francisco. We had a shuttle option until we had to change airlines when Aloha went bankrupt. I have faith we'll make it, even if we have to break the bank with a 25 mile taxi ride.

My saint of a mother-in-law arrived last night. She is taking the bulk of the child care with my mom helping out for the weekend. They both brought us anniversary cards. I forgot it was our anniversary.

I guess my mil isn't too scared yet as she is still here.

I guess that means we are going through with it.

We have been doing a lot of walking by faith these last couple of years and no doubt this trip will be more of the same. My husband is the kind of vacationer who like to be up and moving ALL THE TIME. I am the type who could sit on my rump for days. I have complete faith in my husband that we can come to a happy medium and not hike every trail we come upon.

I told #1 that I wouldn't see her this morning as we are taking off before 4ish to get to the bil's and have him drive us to the airport to catch a 645 flight. I think I forgot to tell #2. Just like I forgot to take a picture of him for 4 years.

The baby was wide awake a little bit later than usual as if she knew there was a change a coming. I have faith that she will remember who I am in nine days.

The husband is awake now and I have to get a moving. If you have a minute today, pray for our safety and my mil's sanity.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Sending blessings your way!!