Monday, August 18, 2008

3-2-1 summer countdown

almost all of us...
at the swimming beach, Lake Mitchell
"putting up" with Bobbi

that's a happy baby

We are BUSY, whew!

Since school starts on Wednesday we are trying to cram in a whole summer's worth of family time into one weekend and a couple of days. This past weekend we camped in Mitchell and watched the State amateur baseball tournament. The kids also enjoyed swimming and fishing with dad while I commuted back and forth between dr. appt's. and other commitments. We got home last night and I had to put it in hard gear to get working on the parade for the Spud Fest this weekend (I have meal {catered traditional Irish meal from 6-7 p.m.- roast beef, potatoes and carrots} tickets for sale if you need them - $7 for school age and up). Today, alone, dad or I drove to Sioux Falls three separate times. That is just plain nuts. Happy First Week of School everyone!


bobbione8y said...

hey woman,

the spicy dills are FANTASTIC.

thank you for the fun day :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, my hubby liked them, too. But he eats ANYTHING. Will post the recipe soonish.

I had so much fun. Waiting for those apples to ripen so we can do pies with KW. Have to do salsa a couple of more times too, when the 'maters get redder...We have polished off 2 quarts of salsa and 2 bags of corn already...

work, work, work...I made 8 more quarts of pickles today.