Thursday, December 01, 2011


You know what posting everyday for a month about thankfulness taught me? How unthankful I really am. Read my mood by my words and follow the madness in my thoughts as the month goes on. How disappointing! I am sort of a gloomy winter person, but this little exercise has really highlighted my self pity.

Last night one of Ryan's sisters was admitted to the ICU. She has been ill for over a week but just trudging through. I feel awful that I have been wrapped up in my own sadness and haven't been able to look outside to see how others are doing.

Yesterday Ryan and I spent a good amount of time googleing gifts for the kids. We never actually came up with something we could agree on. It was such a futile attempt and a major time waste. Then on facebook this morning I saw this.

I want that,too. How can I teach my kids how to not want? They have so much yet they want more.

Last night, the kids and I completed the second day of the Jesse Tree journey. The theme was God's love. We were created from dust of the earth out of LOVE. I think that is what is missing in my world right now. Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone woke up every morning and led their day in love? Said only loving words, performed only loving actions, used their talents to show love in every thing they do...The world would be an amazing place. Heaven.


bobbione8y said...

on earth as it is in Heaven, ran...will pray this for you (and for me)...

have a good day, friend ;)

Karen said...

Someone recently wrote about "the joy of the Lord is my strength" and noted where that joy comes from. It's been on my mind ever since, and I wonder if it's not the answer to the question about teaching our kids not to want. Tell me what you think..

"From Nehemiah 8, most of us can probably quote, “The joy of Lord is your strength.” This week I reviewed that verse, and this is what I saw preceding that sentence, “’Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share it with those who don’t have anything; This day is holy to God….’” And in verse 12, “So the people went off to feast, eating and drinking and including the poor in a great celebration. Now they got it; they understood the reading that had been given to them.” Katie Harding, Northstar Women's Network