Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday Wisdom

  • no matter how much you want to clean out the freezer and use up that tiny bit of spinach don't put it in the chicken pot pie, your kids will call it seaweed, and won't TOUCH it with a 10 foot pole.
  • as good as it feels NOT to have to hop over to the bathroom closet with your shorts around your ankles don't leave the extra rolls of t.p. out near the toilet, the kids will start a new roll each time and you will find 2-3 half used rolls on the floor in the bathroom (how much are they using anyway, I think we go through a roll a day...note to self; discuss toilet paper use at supper tonight)
  • even if you are in a super duper hurry to complete the laundry don't take a QUICK look at your hubby's uniform and toss it into the dryer without thoroughly inspecting it for grass stains in the most unusual places (I know this is why the Lord gave us the knowledge to create the Clorox Bleach Pen)
  • it may be nice to be able to turn the radio UP and do a load of laundry but don't be glad to finally get your sleeping hubby out of the house only to learn he use the expensive bug spray on the lawn on the only evening it is supposed to rain (in his defense he has been working nights and completely oblivious to the weather for the last few days)
  • if you have a puppy; always, ALWAYS cage your watermelons (see next post for more information)

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