We had a bit of a scare yesterday.
I woke up early in the morning with these spasms in my stomach, they continued all morning and into the afternoon so I called the doctor. I went in to have things monitored for a bit.
Turns out I am pretty dehydrated and have a bit of a virus. Baby is fine and things are progressing nice a slowly like they should.
Today I plan to drink 100 glasses of water, even if it means I pee every three minutes. I don't want to go through that again.
Hi Rani, So many things... I am so glad you and the babe are doing ok. Love the count down. It reminds me of my pregnancies. I tracked those closely. It was fun. ALSO... I love your blogs new look. I tried to get to this site to jazz mine up, and didn't have any luck. I'll try again.
I was dehydrated when I was pregnant with B and experienced the same spasms. Scary 'cause I thought I was having contractions. Think I went home and drank a gallon of water!
Glad everything is okay with you and baby-not much longer.....
Sheesh, woman. You should know these things by now!
Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself mama! ((hugs))
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