Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school...

Two down, two to go. All morning Addison followed the big kids around with her little bag. She even walked to school with them. The morning went pretty smoothly nonetheless. The only time I almost lost it was when I woke Gavin up and my voice cracked when I said, "It's your first day of school!". He rolled over and said, "Stop your crying, will ya?"


carey said...

you really did send gift bags to the teachers? i thought you were joking :) nice touch.

the kids look great. can't wait to hear how G's first day went!

bobbione8y said...

those kids are too cute for their own good ;)

Karen said...

You're one of THOSE moms, aren't you? I can hardly come up with teacher gifts at Christmas!

This post did get me all teary. Not that it takes much, but still.

Unknown said...

oh hush, the kids wanted to pick out things for their teachers...and I just put a jar of salsa in there... no big deal

Alexis Jacobs said...

Cute pics! I hope they have a great year.