Monday, March 23, 2009

Signs of Spring

The snow is gone. The bikes are down from the hooks and the sun is shining. A week ago (and then again this weekend) we saw hundreds, maybe thousands of ducks flying in V patterns to the north. It was a sight to see and hear. They were a honking to beat the band. It reminded me of one of my fathers favorite jokes to tell.
You ever see geese flying in a V-pattern in the sky?
You wanna know why one side is always longer than the other?
Wait for it....
Because there are more geese on that side.

I can't help but think that if my father were alive today he would have gotten a kick outta what my 5-year old son did the moment he heard the honking start...

Yesterday the winds and rain picked up. Last night it was thundering and lightening all night. My sister lives 4 hours north of me and they are experiencing some flooding. The weather is stormy and there was even mention of snow in the west and tornados in the east.

I noticed a few green spikes poking through the brown in my yard. It is greening up, as they say.


Karen said...

What's the weather like today, Rani? My dad is snowed in. Bubba's first concern was, "Does he have enough groceries?" Ha.

Karen said...

Oh, and we need a breathing update.

Unknown said...

why am I not recieving these messages anymore? anyone?

Weather is beautiful tody, sun is shining.

Maleah is so good. She still complains of a little pain, but she is better. Still swollen so we haven't seen much difference in breathing, except she is sleeping better...