It's 9:26 am.
I spent the last 3 hours getting myself showered, #1 and #2 fed and dressed. Nursed #3 Pushed #1 out the door, while wiping the tears off her face, exactly 4 minutes before the school bell is scheduled to ring. Nursed #3. Ate my cold toast and drank my cold coffee. I have to get better at this morning routine...
Nursing #3 again. #2 is watching PBS. Reading blogs. Friends are going through awful things like watching their mom's die of cancer and struggling with cancer themselves while raising young ones. Trying to be strong for them. I have been on my knees a lot. Feeling thankful for life...
Husband got called into work again. Hospital is a busy place. Have you seen the
local news lately? Feeling thankful that I made the choice to stay home...
#3 is GAINING WEIGHT at the average of 1oz. per day! I took her to an appointment yesterday and she is coming along just fine. Feeling thankful for being able to nurse her...
Speaking of nursing. MOO! It is taking more of my time than I remembered. My sister gave me an awesome baby sling to hold #3 in, but she is just a tiny peanut, so I bought a
hotsling off
Feeling thankful for overdraft protection...
Wondering if, by the looks of the bank account, choosing to stay home was the right option? I hate what money does to us. It is so hard to come out ahead. We scraped up the last of our savings and bought yet another commuter car. Hopefully, filling up only once a week will help some of the overdraft problems (If
dh can keep this one from crashing into deer and other vehicles). Feeling thankful for people who sell good vehicles privately for no profit whatsoever enabling us to maybe save some cash buy not filling up so often...
Nursing #3 saves us a ton in formula bills. Thinking about cloth diapers, but I am not sure where to start. It is a little cost to set yourself up and she is still in newborn size for the moment. Once her weight evens out maybe I can get a few in one size and try them out. If she didn't poo every other hour, we might be able to get in the black. ...excuse me for a is a tip for ya...rub that
Vaseline all over her bum when you change her so you are not forever wiping at that sticky poo! Aren't you glad I shared? Feeling thankful I have a healthy pooing baby, even if it costs me an arm and a leg to diaper her...
The hair is back in full force. It is sort of wavy, but not beautiful wavy, annoying wavy. I dislike it greatly. I always said I wanted hair with flair, but this is not what I had in mind. I want my straight hair back. I am trying to tame it with headbands, barrettes, and YES even the curling iron. It is not working. I am dreadfully unsuccessful. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I get 3.5 seconds to work with it and I am using the same curling iron I used in 7
th grade.
My dear mommy got me a hair appointment for next week hoping that I can at least trim it to make it look like I am not hair challenged. I am contemplating getting the hats out again. I never had to work to keep the straight stuff looking
manageable. This is way out of my comfort zone. Feeling thankful to have hair, even if it looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket...
Prenatal Vitamins ROCK! I had to get my hemoglobin checked yesterday and I passed. I was sweating this one. I have been living off of cold toast, coffee and cereal and whatever I can grab to put in my mouth while I am nursing. My goal for next month is to eat better. Fruits and veggies have all but disappeared from my fridge. I cannot believe how much I miss not being able to run up to the store and get a few things. I need to work on time management as well as eating healthy. Feeling thankful for the people who manufacture vitamins...
Exhaustion is mounting. I am trying to lie down during the day, but something always comes up. Need to add GET MORE SLEEP to my goals. #3 eats more often at night than during the day. I pump during the day, but I am too tired to get up for a bottle so I just nurse her at night. Every 2-3 hours I am up again. I am so glad my other children are good sleepers. I did squeak an hour nap out yesterday and man it was good. Feeling thankful for sleep, when I can get it...
Thanksgiving is next week. I haven't thought about it much. Don't even know where we are going to have the big meal. I have yet to plan an baptism, a birthday party for #2, and start thinking of Christmas. I think this may be the year that the lights don't go up, the presents don't get bought in time yet alone get wrapped. I think we will be wishing Baby Jesus a happy birthday without any of the extras this year. Feeling thankful for the birth of a Savior...
Gotta switch boobs... I mean breasts. #2 knows that boob is a slang word and corrects me every time. Only he says it like this,"you mean,
bweastses, mom, we don't say boobs."
Happy Friday!