Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Counting my blessings...

I came across this challenge about blessings at a wonderful blog called Holy Experience that is all about seeing beauty in your blessings.  I am thinking about joining her gratitude community and counting my 1000+ blessings. She starts her week out with a post entitled Multitude Monday. Each one of her posts reads like a chapter in a book, it's heart warming. My kids love swaying to the music on her blog. Nora is dancing right now to it as I have her site open in another window just to listen :)
I know it's not Monday, but my blessings are many everyday. Today, I am especially thankful for 4 healthy and wonderful children and a husband who loves me and my children more than I can describe in words. Sunday he spent hours constructing a tree house for them and they were so thankful, they kept calling him the "best dad in the whole world" and you know what? They are absolutely correct!


Karen said...

That is SO COOL. I cannot let TM see this post, his little heart has wanted a tree fort since birth. Maybe I'll bring him over one day...

Unknown said...

Come on over, anytime!

bobbione8y said...

you are right rani, that family is a huge blessing...! go ryan! what a great dad :) i love those treehouse pics.

Alexis Jacobs said...

What a cool treehouse! I kids would be so jealous.