Tuesday, March 06, 2007

T is for Tired

Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I am so tired today.I feel like I am two steps behind. I can't keep up with the house, the kids are getting colds, my calendar has no free days and it just makes me tired. Why is life so tiring?


bobbione8y said...

i think it's because we have cell phones and emails and blogs and answering machines and TOO MUCH communication with every living thing :)

i long for the summer days, growing up out in the country, when i said goodbye to my friends in may, and did not see them until september.

not that my friends are the problem, but boy oh boy, some of those days were pretty quiet :)

lots of gardening and cooking and making crafts and taking naps :))

Unknown said...

me too:) I wonder what my kids are going to remember about their childhood? Spongebob and computer games? ICK