Tuesday, January 23, 2007

one act review...

Yesterday afternoon I attended the High School One Act Play. Mostly because my niece was involved, but also because they usually do a very good job at entertaining. This year the title alone is enticing. "The Pro-Life Handbook" written and directed by Cory Allen Heidelberger asks the defining question of it's viewers; Is South Dakota a pro-life state? In the writer/director's own words, The show thus addresses how South Dakota's approach to all sorts of issues -- e.g. jobs, health insurance, education, agriculture, drinking -- would change if our politicians and voters sincerely and consistently treated "life" as their primary value.
It takes real life events that people have read about in the news in the last 6 months or so and forces the audience to think about both sides of the issue. It was intriguing and I found myself encompassing many emotions as I watched. At times I became defensive, other times I found myself giggling at the hypocrisy. I was saddened and moved by a couple of realizations that I had never made before. In the end it was entertaining as usual and this year I felt like I learned a thing or two. If you can give up 40 minutes or so of your precious time, check them out at the Brandon Valley Performing Arts Center, Region I-B One-Act Contest on Thursday, January 25, 9:35 a.m. You won't be disappointed.
Oh and if you do go and you want to review it, you can leave your two cents here.


caheidelberger said...

Thanks for the positive feedback, Rani. Our show -- and high school theater in general -- can use all the support it can get. Let's both keep spreading the word!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.